Pushkin folk tale as comedic opera whose sultry elements expand an Oriental influence. Korsakov portrays the story of Tsar Nicholas II, punished for...
Rimsky-Korsakov: The Golden Cockerel
In Trelinski's timeless production he leads a superb, first-class young cast headed by Artur Ruzinski as Onegin and Kristīne Opolais as Tatyana....
Eugene Onegin
Lying in bed, Tsar Dodon dreams of retirement. The problem is, people keep invading his country. His astrologer offers him a golden cockerel with...
Le Coq d'Or - Opéra National de Lyon
Live performance from the Komische Oper Berlin, February 15 2016.
Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin (Komische Oper Berlin)
Opera lies at the heart of Rimsky-Korsakov's colourful idiom, but performances are few and far between; this realisation of his penultimate and...
The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh
Götterdämmerung, the final instalment of Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelung, is a story of human passions. Two essentially benevolent...
Wagner: Götterdämmerung