The story of salsa music partners Richie Ray and Bobby Cruz. Explores their battles on and off the stage, from their musical origins, family...
Los Reyes de la Salsa
On what seemed to be a normal day, Chelo, unexpectedly witnesses a murder. In the midst of the chase by the perpetrators, the cops mistake him as the...
The Witness
A young American man is transferred to work in Puerto Rico. He quickly tries to integrate into the Puerto Rican life, but his ignorance of cultural...
An American in Puerto Rico
It’s a somewhat alternate near future... Puerto Rico is losing confidence in its political parties that for years took over loyal fanatics. The...
Politics is the Puerto Rican national sport, and in this sport anything is possible. Fate brings Pepo González, an ordinary, unemployed...
Pepo Pa'l Senado
At the dawn of the new milennium, allied nations computer systems could collapse because of the year 2000 (Y2K) bug and be reprogrammed by corrupt...
Based on a true story, Jossie is a young Puerto Rican mother, who is a victim of her husband's aggression. She decides to divorce him and leave the...
Sucedió en Branderí
Located in a popular neighborhood, three stories are interwoven by means of violence. The struggles and vicissitudes of a group of young people...
Historia de un trompetista
The story of two cousins struggling in the world of drugs and chaos in the neighborhood of La Perla of Old San Juan. A kind of modern Cain and Abel...
El callejón de los cuernos