In the 1960s, Mangamma flees her small village during the Presidential rule and marries Nair. Years later, her life is thrown into further disarray...
Jalam is an upcoming Malayalam-language movie directed by M. Padmakumar starring Priyanka Nair in the lead role.This is an world's first charity...
Brought up in polar-opposite circumstances, Bhavana and Manoj are a couple who can't appreciate each other's individuality, though there is the...
Njangalude Veettile Athidhikal
Ritu tells the tale of three young friends who move through a fascinating season in their lives, different from the earlier one they really cherished.
The movie revolves around the family of Aby. His wife Sara, and their daughter Riya . Aby is a bank employee. Sara was brought up in an orphanage...
Susanna, a sex worker, earns money by being with five different men at the same time. Fortunately, the people around her do not judge her actions and...
Pining for a lavish life abroad, a lazy but lovable guy next door crafts a scam to avoid a career in nursing and find a wealthy spouse to secure a...
Njan Prakashan
Pithavum Kanyakayum (Malayalam: പിതാവും കന്യകയും; literally...
Pithavum Kanyakayum