Recently fired and desperate for work, a troubled young man named Mike agrees to take a position as a night security guard at an abandoned theme...
Five Nights at Freddy's
Two unlikely heroes team up to solve an ongoing killing spree targeting clients and coworkers of a t-shirt printing business.
Silk Scream
In the lush tradition of the glorious films of Merchant and Ivory, comes the true life story of Leonie Gilmour (Emily Mortimer), whose life crossed...
Evan White is unjustly accused of selling marijuana and cocaine and being threatened with up to 28 years in jail by an ambitious Federal prosecutor.
Evan's Crime
Based on true events. 18-year old Jesse Winters, also know as The Butcher, was put to death in Louisiana for committing 23 grisly murders. There was...
Proof of the Devil
Dispatched from his basement room on an errand for his mother, slacker Jeff might discover his destiny (finally) when he spends the day with his...
Jeff, Who Lives at Home