Daily spleen, drunkenness among friends, conversations and the passage of time: the video diaries composed by Lionel Soukaz chronicle the early...
Artistes en zones troublés
Situated in the vein of Rimbaud, Lautréamont, Dostoievski and Benjamin and of free jazz and punk, this film bears witness to the iniquitous...
L'impossible - Pages arrachées
“Ixe (written X and pronounced EEKS – as it is pronounced in French –, like a scream, a wound) is an imploded, crucified film. Made...
First short film from garçon terrible réalisateur Lionel Soukaz.
Lolo Mégalo blessé en son honneur
Cinématon is a 156-hour long experimental film by French director Gérard Courant. It was the longest film ever released until 2011....
Reel 5 of Gérard Courant's on-going Cinematon series.
Cinématon V
Une certaine histoire du cinéma expérimental français