"Slip" is the story of Sarah, a young woman who witnessed her mother's murder as a child. Now grown, Sarah is haunted by her mother's memory, her...
A scientist fights to save his daughter when she is chosen as one of the eight million human beings who are kept hostage by an alien species in order...
Alien Siege
A scoundrel is tormented by a seemingly-omniscent telephone operator.
The Operator
The Right Girl lets us in on the story of childhood best friends, Mickey and Lauren, who are perfect for each other. The catch Mickey's promise to a...
The Right Girl
L.A.'s top Latino gang leader is release from jail on a technicality, swearing to kill both the cop who put him away and the priest who testified...
Gang Warz
The slice-of-life story of how an exterminator attempts to connect with his clients and the consequences of these connections.
The Bug Man