This was my first attempt at making a movie. It was unabashedly inspired by Edward D. Wood Jr.'s Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959), one of the culprits...
Brain Waste from Outer Space
In 1992, a group of teenagers began recording horror films with VHS cameras in Palmitos, in the west of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Led by Santa Catarina...
Mato Mato Mato - Canibal Filmes e as Produções de 'Horor' no Oeste de SC
Three cannibal brothers are visited by their cousins and see a great gastronomic opportunity.
The Incredibly Insane Butcher Boys
Dr. Rottenberg, the greatest Martian scientist, comes to Planet Earth to make preparations for a wild invasion involving re-animated Earth bodies,...
Hideous Creatures
The day after the carnage initiated by the Martian scientist, a fleet of spacecraft from Mars is called upon to invade Earth, but Dr. Rottenberg's...
Hideous Creatures 2
Dr. Karloff prisons an alien from the Leguminous Planet and calls his friend Dr. Marins to help him in his experiences, because the Leguminous...
The Leguminous Monster from Outer Space