The story revolves around Jakob, Bo and Mikkel - three friends who spend their days lusting over unattainable women and engaging in a variety of...
Kick 'n Rush
16-year-old schoolgirl Molly contacts the authorities and claims she has been raped by her boyfriend Sako and some of his friends. But as the...
This sequel to the box office hit All for One finds the previously tight-knit trio dispersed: Nikolai is on parole, while brothers Ralf and Timo are...
All for Two
Frank is left with the responsibility for his nephew Bo on an already planned canoe trip. Frank's mate Casper is also coming along. Weighed down a...
Life has become unbearable for 23 year old Nick who is convinced that he's an evil person. Consequently, he shows up at Aarhus University with a gun...
Needle Boy
A Danish family visits a Dutch family they met on a holiday. What was supposed to be an idyllic weekend slowly starts unraveling as the Danes try to...
Speak No Evil
A 16-year-old boy who spend summer with his grandparents falls in love with an older young man but when tragedy strikes, he falls into a dark hole of...
B.O.Y. - Bruises of Yesterday