The tale of Stella, a young girl who falls in love with an ancient, beautifully-behaired bloodsucker named Edgar. They struggle to stay together in...
Geek War tells the tale of a mysterious VHS tape that dwells in the comic book shop of Deathbone (Billy Garberina), the eccentric barbarian shop...
Geek War
High-schooler Steffon learns his late grandfather has bequeathed his stately manor to him, to keep or to sell. The lucky teen gathers his friends and...
The House On Bonejack Hill
Writer, producer and director Chris Seaver (Filthy McNasty) puts the campiness in summer camp with this raunchy and hilarious misadventure that finds...
Teenape Goes to Camp
A lunatic crashes a theater's midnight Troma marathon.
Film Crew
WET HEAT pays homage to the spy genre as Teenape is sprung from prison to track down the kidnapped "President of Show Business" before all of...
Wet Heat
Teenape and Bubbles partner up with a busty elf to help find the kidnapped Santa Claus, and the turgid and squishy misadventures they get in along...
Twas the Funk Before Christmas
This time out the girls are wizards at Bonejack's School of Wizardry and have to stop an evil warlock from taking a magical Orb hidden in a sexually...
Heather and Puggly Cock Block the Apocalypse
The kids at Bonejack High get more than they bargained for when sexually repressed teacher Prudence makes a deal with the devil, turning into an...
Beyond McNasty: Filthy McNasty 4
In a cabin, a group of friends gather for fun. When they find a mysterious book, they unleash a ghostly evil. This resurrects the redneck Leo...
The Evil Dead Inbred Rednecks