Following the events of the original with the survivors attending the funeral of “Rad Chad” Buckley, which quickly devolves into an...
Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge
Betty has carefully planned her best friend's bachelorette party, only to have it crashed by some unexpected guests.
Six Words
She survived a brutal massacre, but lost her life. What happens to the final girl once the credits have rolled? Five years ago, a masked killer...
Last Girl Standing
A teen comedy about a nerdy teenager who creates an iPhone app to be his girlfriend. When she miraculously comes to life, things go hilariously...
A bumbling young film crew, shooting a low-budget horror movie in an abandoned orphanage, discovers that a family of sadistic killers has rewritten...
Virgin Cheerleaders in Chains
Rose, a 17-year-old Filipino-American teenager from Texas, dreams of becoming a country music icon. She has to fend for herself when her mother is...
Yellow Rose
A journalist wakes up from a coma having lost ten years of her memory. Texas Rangers and a murderous gang of masked psychopaths, led by the criminal...
Robert A. Burns, art director on the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre, was obsessed with actor Rondo Hatton aka the Creeper. Burns was average...
Rondo and Bob