Kovač and Dara, whose childhoods start badly, meet in an orphanage and get attached to each other. After ten years, when they are in their...
In this black comedy drama, we meet a seemingly perfect family consisting of Olivia, Alexander and their daughter Agata. With the arrival of...
Family Therapy
A family finds itself in a dead-end situation. They are only safe behind the walls of their own house and yard. As time vanishes from their home, the...
The Tree
After his wife's death a middle-aged man and his friends become increasingly agitated and violent towards the suburbs they inhabit.
Codelli is a feature-length docudrama about a little-known film project by Slovenian inventor Baron Anton Codelli. Together with filmmaker and...
Two crooks looking to scam tourists organize a tour of an abandoned manor house rumored to be haunted by the cousin of Count Dracula. Their first...
The Curse of Valburga
A criminalist explores the background of a business in which the authorities, with the help of an influential corporation want to evict and demolish...