Divaswapna is a story of the journey of a village boy named Kanaji who achieved all his dreams with his courage, commitment and passion despite of...
Kartik who belongs to a middle class family buys a television from Chor Bazar which turns out to be defective. In his attempt to repair the...
Sonu Tane Mara Par Bharoso Nai Ke
Chintan Parikh, a 28-year-old middle-class man constantly surrounded by and troubled by the women in his life. On one fateful trip to Ambaji Temple...
Fakt Mahilao Maate
Shekhar and Suman are supposed to get married in the morning and tonight is the Sangeet Sandhya. It's an arranged marriage where Shekhar seems to be...
Lagan Special
The movie is expected to follow the story of friends navigating the challenges and comedic mishaps of a construction project, providing audiences...
Builder Boys
Preetal and Shubh represent today's generation mindset. They are not very keen on starting their own families; they are focused on earning money and...
Vaar Tahevaar