Revolves around a book in the library that is leading to deaths in the village. When Raja Harishchandra Krishna Prasad's best friend Shiva dies after...
Arjun Poojari lives in a small village in Central India with his mom, dad, & an unmarried sister. The entire village is grateful to Bade Thakur...
Arjun Devaa
2004 Bollywood snake movie
Pyaasi Nagin
A 1999 Indian horror film.
Shaitan Tantrik
The movie opens with Lord Vishnu (Bramhanandam) trying to pacify Lakshmi Devi (Kovai Sarala), who is quite disappointed after listening to words of...
Devudu Chesina Manushulu
Pandu is a contract killer , and will accept any contract provided the amount is right. The Police want him for questioning, while the underworld...
A girl is raped by four men who dies after the incident but her spirit takes revenge.
Khopdi: The Skull
Karar The Deal showcases the lives of two women intertwined by their love for a man...
Karar: The Deal
Bhoot Ka Darr, also known as Bhoot, is a 1999 Hindi horror film.
Bhoot Ka Darr
Murdaa Ghar
Dracula comes back from the grave to exact revenge on fat women searching for a snake-jewel a.k.a 'Nagmani'. Everybody is searching for this jewel...