Two teams have been assembled and taken to a remote island to compete in a series of tasks to determine the winner of Erotic Survivor. The...
Erotic Survivor
A socially awkward young woman gets bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes a crime-fighting superhero and tries to defeat a nefarious super...
Three horror comic tales connected to a wrap-around story involving a B-movie actress stalked by a blood-thirsty zombie.
When a new strain of marijuana is delivered to a remote strip club, an army of insect creatures hungry for human blood starts feeding on the staff...
Bite Me!
A man returns home from work to find a strange package on his door.
Neck Up
Loser drug addict Jack winds up in hell after he gets killed by Steve, who's the abusive husband of the sweet Martha. Jack strikes up a deal with the...
Purgatory Blues