Rebirth takes place during the early brutal stages of Dominion Industries. In this story watch Olive and other deviants undergo a series of deadly...
The Immortal Wars: Rebirth
A veteran comedian's last chance at stardom takes him on the road with a young comic whom reveals an unexpected past.
Don't Suck
After moving to Las Vegas to get away from an abusive relationship to live her cousin, Shay Waters falls into the street lifestyle that her cousin is...
After a traumatic accident during vacation, five friends make the fatal mistake of dumping their victim's body. But exactly one year later, Someone...
My Little Nightmare
After Police Chief Carter discovers the remains of eleven women, FBI Special Agent Petrovick is recruited to profile the serial killer responsible...
In a forsaken, dilapidated town, four inseparable friends long for a brighter future and unwittingly forge a sinister bargain with the devil to...