The Grounded movie tells the true tale of an Alaskan wildlife filmmaker’s persistent curiosity and quest to test the claims of what appears to...
The Grounded
Are conspiracy theorists just "dumb"? What links anti-vax sentiment and QAnon? Disinformation expert Dr. Charles Kriel and director Katharina Gellein...
Are you hesitant to get a Covid vaccine? This doctor opposes them. If you agree, he has some pet supplies he wants to sell you. Meet Dr. Mercola,...
A respected documentary maker hears from a friend that his long term depression has been helped after watching a video entitled "Food matters" and...
That Vitamin Movie
We all want more energy, an ideal body and beautiful younger looking skin... So what is stopping us from getting this? Introducing 'Hungry For...
Hungry for Change
This film explores "Tapping", a new discovery that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology with startling results. The Tapping...
The Tapping Solution