Patrick, a strange and lonely resident, lives in a mobile home at the back of an isolated caravan park. After a violent thunderstorm erupts, a...
You'll Never Find Me
Born with an energetic power to absorb fear from others, a young woman must find love to balance the fears of her own and fight an ever growing storm...
When seventeen-year-old aspiring bowler Joey discovers she can't join the over-40s women's team, will oddball and lactose-intolerant Scooter’s...
Split Me
If you had the power to grant dignity in a desolate world – but it meant sacrificing yourself – would you?
With the unique ability to emit pure water, the Numi are the Dry Land's most valuable slaves. When young Numi Davi and her sister are captured and...
Scumbag fills up his days smoking cigarettes and looking for opportunities on the street to make a quick buck. When he stumbles upon a loaded handgun...
Gert’s a weirdo – she’s an outcast at school, questions her own sexuality and loathes her little sister who bursts with confidence...
Disco Dykes
Andrew, a sound recordist, fuels his obsession with a young actress through nefarious means. When Andrew’s flirtations are turned down by...
The Recordist