Celso Felix, a successful radio broadcaster in the metropolis, is disillusioned with his everyday life and leaves his wife and children to live in a...
O Paraíso Proibido
Suelen, aware that she is the victim of a serious and progressing mental imbalance, seeks her doctor so that, alongside treatment, she manages all of...
Neurose Sexual
Liliam sustains her paraplegic mother working as a secretary for Daniel, which threatens to fire her if she doesn't submit to his desires. At night,...
Lilian, the Dirty
Silvia, whose lover is a talking horse, is threatened by Scipio, her uncle and tutor, and by Marcus and Furius, advisers to the monarch, who aim to...
Caligula's Daughter
A Fábrica de Camisinhas
Three stories. 'Rainha do Fliper' (Pinball's Queen) Reginéia is the pinball's queen, exploited by her pimp Giba. Out of the blue, her former...
As Safadas