Dina (Maria Santiago) is a teenager brought up by her grandmother, employed as a housekeeper for a fairly well-off family. Since Dina only has her...
Dina and Django
"Essay on the Military and the Power", a phrase that also belongs to the title of "Gestures & Fragments", sums up the spirit of the film, based on...
Gestures and Fragments
The film was to be a documentary, but evolved during production to a fictional film. It nevertheless adheres strictly to the poems and letters...
The Conversation Is Over
The operational commander of the "Captains Movement", describes and recreates a quarter of century later the crucial 24 hours of April 25, 1974, that...
A Noite do Golpe de Estado
José Nascimento films the process of the Agrarian Reform that happened in the Portuguese region of Alentejo during the aftermath of the...
Terra de Pão, Terra de Luta