After years in hiding and struggling to control his demons, an eccentric drifter returns home and discovers that his childhood abuser, the center of...
An insight into 5 queer film festivals accompanied with the discussion about the importance of queer film festivals, queer film and people's...
Queer Artivism
Two strangers visit the penthouse of a recently deceased lover, only to find themselves learning more about each other.
Just Past Noon on a Tuesday
Three American businessmen have a problem with their Brazilian company: someone is embezzling millions of dollars. Michael is having an affair with...
Discretion Assured
In the midst of political upheaval in Brazil, Travis Mathews directs this startling and moving film of the intersection between class, privilege and...
While still in cinema school, Diego stood out as one of the most promising students, directing successful shorts. However, coming to the job market,...
Deep Blue Dream