Slaves of Hollywood follows the lives of a group of recent college graduates at their first jobs in corporate Hollywood. Thomas, Pink, Fisher, Dean,...
Slaves of Hollywood
Ever wonder what it would be like to bring your favorite dead rock star back to life? Alberta certainly has. Since she was a kid, she's dreamed of a...
The Second Age of Aquarius
A young boy from the trailer park can't take another moment of ridicule from his family and peers. With support from his beloved dollies, he sets out...
Dolly Deadly
Set in the dark depths of a strange and mysterious power supply complex, ELLIOT tells the tale of a conflicted humanoid (Elliot) struggling to...
Filmmakers James Franco and Travis Mathews re-imagine the lost 40 minutes from "Cruising" as a starting point to a broader exploration of sexual and...
Interior. Leather Bar.
"A skeptical frontiersman is hired to track down a runaway witch coven hiding in the wild only to discover the monstrous truth that the evil they...
The Beast of Gévaudan