Carrie's War is an adaptation of a 1973 children's novel by Nina Bawden, set during the Second World War and following two evacuees, Carrie and her...
Carrie's War
A documentary film-maker suspects she is being brainwashed by a secret government organisation.
As London's East End scrubs up for the coronation, Mr and Mrs Peachum gear up for a bumper day in the beggary business. Keeping tight control of the...
National Theatre Live: The Threepenny Opera
Feature-length drama about the mystery of Sandringham Company, which disappeared in action at Gallipoli in 1915. Commanded by Captain Frank Beck,...
All the King's Men
A nobleman with a literary flair, the Marquis de Sade lives in a madhouse where a beautiful laundry maid smuggles his erotic stories to a printer,...
Positioned between opera and theatre, this powerfully accessible interpretation of Handel’s seminal work explores the drama and struggle of...