In Captive Faith, three Russian pastors imprisoned for preaching the gospel find themselves together in prison camp. God uses them to begin a church...
Captive Faith
While running a free medical clinic in the 1960s, missionary couple John and Bettie Dreisbach face heavy government opposition in their attempt to...
Beyond the Night
The life and works of 19th-century circuit rider Robert S. Sheffey.
Red Runs the River is the story of two wars—one in the heart of General Richard Stoddert Ewell and the other on the battlefields of Manassas...
Red Runs the River
Sports drama from director Tim Rogers and writer David Burke. A coming of age story for Will Wright, an enthusiastic baseball player in South...
Milltown Pride
A story of bloodshed and shipwreck, of intrigue and murder, of love and redemption. The film traces the life of Joel, a promising young man who turns...
Wine of Morning
The story of a deaf man, Gordy, searching to understand the meaning of the cross. A needless tragedy that almost takes the life of a little girl...
When Silence Speaks