A renowned surgeon, abandoned by his wife and daughter, gets robbed and loses his memory. Wandering around the countryside, he becomes a village...
The Quack
Follows the lives of people shortly after World War 2 as they try to adjust to their new lives. Completed in 1946, it was banned from release by the...
Two Hours
Two-part biopic about General Karol Świerczewski, living embodiment of the party line, and the group of party members from his hometown fighting...
Soldier of Victory
Three ironic episodes showing how to get what every man dreams of - money, women and fame.
How to Gain Money, Women and Fame?
Profesor Wilczur is a 1938 Polish romantic drama film directed by Michał Waszyński. It is based on the novel by Tadeusz Dolega-Mostowicz.
Profesor Wilczur
A statue, fashioned in the guise of an anguished woman, is seen in a remote inn, having been recently interred from the ground. The occasion is a...
Venus of Ille
Two noblemen live in one castle, which they both own half of. After a wall dividing both halves of the castle gets damaged they start an intense...
A journalist is preparing to take a train trip, when he is confronted by the spirit of professor Ryszpans who tells what happened to him. When he...
The Siding
A look at show-business through the lives of cabaret dancing girls Teresa and Linka. When their theatre is closed down, they have to move to a small...