A visually imaginative, deeply personal story about the tensions that develop between an immigrant mother and a young woman as she prepares to head...
Lucky Peach
Tom, now in his 40s, begins to write the memoirs of his 1960s childhood, as the little boy whose mother Rose was a glamorous Shanghai nightclub...
The Home Song Stories
A haunting erotic fairytale about Lucy, a young University student drawn into a mysterious hidden world of beauty and desire.
Sleeping Beauty
Linh (Nammi Le) is a Vietnamese Australian university student who secretly starts part-time work as an escort. She develops a close rapport with one...
Careless Love
Bella walks the fine line between mental illness, creativity and identity, as her road to diagnosis jumps from cured to complicated.
In the last days of a dying logging town, Christian returns to his family home for his father Henry’s wedding. While home, Christian reconnects...
The Daughter
Australian television film based on alleged events surrounding the death of Caroline Byrne in June 1995. Byrne was found in the early morning of 8...
A Model Daughter: The Killing of Caroline Byrne