In this hilarious crime comedy, a gifted 12-year-old boy and three elderly men plan a bank robbery in order to seek revenge on the institution for...
Hunting Elephants
In the midst of a working day, Ming is pulled from the light rail construction site, to a place that reminds him of the home he left.
In the Mounatin's Shade
An intelligent social issues drama, Manpower sketches a portrait of four men in crisis. Moving between scathing realism and subtle irony, the film...
Teen friends, Steve, Carrie, Cooper, and Gameboy embark on a weekend camping trip lead by their church youth group leader Stuart (Sean Astin) and his...
Amazing Love
A spy navigates the precarious terrain of love and survival during an undercover mission in Syria.
Damascus Cover
Logan Burnhardt is the ego-king of the airwaves, but his unflappable persona is put to the test when a terrorist bio-attack unleashes a plague of...
Dead Air
Ovadia Rachmim is the strongest and most violent doorman of Tel Aviv night clubs. He and his wife Rachel are trying to get pregnant for 5 years. A...
Our Father
An accident during a bar mitzvah celebration leads to a gendered rift in a devout Orthodox community in Jerusalem, in this rousing, good-hearted tale...
The Women's Balcony
An Israeli counterterrorism soldier with a secretly fabulous ambition to become a Manhattan hairstylist. Zohan's desire runs so deep that he'll do...
You Don't Mess with the Zohan
Catherine, a young woman from Moldova, answers an appealing Want ad that calls for work overseas. She receives a plane ticket and arrives in Israel,...
Catherine the Great
“Price For Freedom” is based on the book written in 2013 by prominent NYC dental implant surgeon Dr. Marc Benhuri. It is a chilling...
Price for Freedom
When a Luxury Building Development tries to force out a diverse community in London's 'Little Arabia', they choose to stand their ground and band...
London Arabia