The true story of João Guilherme Estrella ("Johnny"), a young middle-class bon vivant who became a big-time cocaine dealer in Rio de Janeiro...
My Name Ain't Johnny
Caio is 40 years old and lives in the Rio de Janeiro's countryside, where he owns a scrap-metal yard. On Christmas' Eve, he goes to the capital to...
A group of messenger spirits led by Aniceto, including doctor André Luiz, are tasked with going to Earth to help rescue three proteges whose...
Astral City 2: The Messengers
At 45 years old, architect Ulisses—feeling lost in his career and unconvinced of his talents—visits a "vocational coach" who promises to...
The Job Whisperer
What child has never dreamed of having a double, someone who would do all of the annoying things in his place? Seeing his reflection get out of the...
The Boy in the Mirror
After receiving a job promotion that forces her to spend time traveling, Angela decides to leave her three children under the care of Uncle Tony -...
Um Tio Quase Perfeito
An illegal transaction involving a criminal organization, two arrogant foreigners and a jerk taxi driver. By the streets of the South Zone in Rio de...
Luccas e Gi em: Dinossauros