BAD COP follows the life of a corrupt Policeman, INSPECTOR TAFARI. The story tells of how he aids many criminals in carrying out their criminal...
Bad Cop
LOG LINE : When a non-believer in the existence of ghost and the supernatural comes in contact with a vengeful ghost, all hell is let loose when both...
Bukan Hantu Biashe Biashe
The rise of a Malay warrior named Mat Kilau and his friends against the British colonialists who came to Pahang in 1892. The greed of British...
Mat Kilau
The story revolves around the British finding out that Tok Gajah intends to go to Terengganu to seek support from the Sultan and Malay heroes of...
Warrior Awang and Master Tok Gajah
A film based on true story of Sergeant Kanang Anak Langkau, an iban warrior and the nation's most decorated war hero, who fought bravely during...
Kanang Anak Langkau: The Iban Warrior
An extended version of the historical action film about a legendary warrior fighting for independence during the British colonial era. The film...
Pendekar Awang & Tok Gajah: Darah Indera Gajah