Are we controlled? This film reveals that much of what we believe to be truth has been deception, implanted in our consciousness by societal forces.
State of Mind: The Psychology of Control
A groundbreaking film that chronicles how a cabal of mega-corporations worked through the United Nations to hijack our world, all while being aided...
Covidland: The Lockdown
A documentary over the Liberty March held in Washington D.C. in 2008. Includes speeches by Ron Paul, Adam Kokesh, Jim Guest, and G. Edward Griffin.
Summer Soul, Sunshine Patriot, and the American Message
Cancer is the only disease that has been defeated dozens of times without anyone knowing it. In the last 100 years, doctors, scientists, and...
Cancer: The Forbidden Cures
What would you say if you were told that airplanes were regularly spraying toxic aerosols in the skies above every major region of the world? That is...
What in the World Are They Spraying?
This second episode of the Covidland series, The Mask, uncovers the real science behind face coverings and exploreds the physical and mental health...
Covidland: The Mask
Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world...
Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama
Invisible Empire is all conspiracy and no theory – proving beyond doubt how the elite have openly conspired to insidiously rule the globe via...
Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined
The Covid hysteria began with slogans like “just 15 days to flatten the curve”, but within a year, it evolved to be “everyone...
Covidland: The Shot
From an archived interview originally recorded in 1982, this 1990 production reveals the findings of chief congressional investigator, Director of...
The Hidden Agenda for World Government
A lecture by G. Edward Griffin, given in the late '60s, exposes the hidden plan that shapes U.S. foreign policy and that the ultimate objective of...
The Grand Design
Culled mostly from archival footage, this thought-provoking first volume of the Hidden Agenda series relays the little-known history of an elite...
The Capitalist Conspiracy
FIAT EMPIRE was one of the first films to come out on the Federal Reserve System providing a valuable primer on a complex subject. This 60-minute...
Fiat Empire
This program consists of unedited responses to questions presented to G. Edward Griffin by a camera crew creating a documentary on the U.S....
The Dangerous Servant
The United States economy reached a meltdown point in September 2008. A Republican President and Democratic Congress passed a massive bill to bail...
A New America
Mike Adams, known as the Health Ranger to his fans, is the author of numerous books on natural health and editor of the popular internet site called...
Monopoly Medicine
G. Edward Griffin addresses the following topics: opposing views of cancer, pancreatic enzymes and food factors in the control of cancer, the...
The Science and Politics of Cancer
A love affair with collectivist ideologies has lead to ever bigger government and the welfare-warfare state. Lead by a Marxist splinter group called...
Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America
History shows that, when citizens are unarmed, government suppression and tyranny are inevitable. MOLON LABE - inspired by The Sword and Sovereignty...
Molon Labe
Corporations have hijacked congress and are running roughshod over Americans, especially the Middle Class.
Corporate Fascism: The Destruction of America's Middle Class
SPOiLER explores the political, economic and philosophic ethos of the past 98 years for clues into the expanding debt-driven, welfare-warfare state...
SPOiLER: How a Third Political Party Could Win
"New World Order" is the term we use to describe the one world government and one world religion that the Bible predicts in Revelation 13. However,...
Babylon USA
John Wilson wakes up, gets ready for his day and heads to work. He has no idea that he's being watched, tracked and studied. Is he a threat to...
Shadow Government