Ernesto Belloni (Che Copete) plays a "BBQ expert" caterer. who is hired to help a marriage from an exclusive neighborhood, that becomes into a total...
El Manso Asado
"Che Copete" now plays "Ladilla Kid", who by mistake replaces a bloody assassin named "El Vengador". "El Vengador del Hoyo" is the first cowboy...
The Hole Avenger
Che Kopete: La película
Nerdy comic book aficionado Roberto Rodriguez battles low self-esteem, loser friends and vicious high school bullies as he vies for the heart of...
Promedio rojo
Huon Johnson is hired to be a member of the Cartagena Vice team, which is in charge of keeping peace and safety in the popular Cartagena Vice resort...
Cartagena Vice
Anselmo is a fair man forced to live in an unfair world. His innocence will lead him to get involved in dangerous situations that will make him...
The King of Idiots