Based on a true story of a meeting in June 1945 between two powerful men with very opposite philosophies and perspectives on the future of their...
The Conversation
'Lara's Choice: The lost prince' is a 2012 Croatian movie based on the popular television show 'Lara's choice'. The plot is a direct continuation of...
Lara's Choice: The Lost Prince
Alvin signed a book deal for a book depicting love in modern age based on his own experiences. But he did not count on the fact that return to those...
Fuck Off I Love You
Crossword about seven interconnected stories of love, friendship, affection, guns, Balkan, stupidity and people caught in the moment.
Because of You
A female story from male perspective about two losers who invented an effective self-help method under the slogan "Love to the Sky, Fuck to the...
Happy End: Stupid and Stupider 3