A Standing Still revolves around a young woman, Allison, as she struggles with the future in the midst of loss and displacement. Allison works as a...
A Standing Still
'Evolution of Evil' is the story of Lori and Christopher, a Pacific Northwest couple wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city into...
Evolution of Evil
Marshall Philips, experienced commercial jet pilot, tries to unscramble a puzzle that's bothering him. When he and his children are shot dead, local...
Unthinkable: An Airline Captain's Story
Stephen King's romantic and visceral short story brought to colorful and horrific life!
The Man Who Loved Flowers
Charley Thompson, a teenager living with his single father, gets a summer job working for horse trainer Del Montgomery. Bonding with an aging...
Lean on Pete
Elliot, a musician, is in love with Ruby. Practically speaking, he should go after the person that has touched him so deeply. However, it's easier...
A Slice of Life
Two siblings are whisked away by an intelligent fairy to become part of a real life game they must complete before coming back to the real world.
A Fairy's Game
A thriller about a stripper coming to terms with her past and unleashing her personal strength to overcome her stalker and other male oppressors.
On a dark one lane road, miles from nowhere. A lonely traveler picks up a hitchhiker and drives off into the night. As they put miles behind them, a...
Riders on the Storm
The loss of Jack's wife Katie sends him into a deep depression. Having been through a similar loss, Jack's good friend Allen must now talk him back...
Jack Fall
A film crew hijacks their company's current production and improves it behind the director's back.
Coup de Cinema
A young man unravels a web of violence and corruption in pursuit of his missing girlfriend.
Vengeance for Chloe Darling