Drama documentary based on Bill O'Reilly's and Martin Dugard's 2012 non-fiction book "Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot". It follows the parallel...
Killing Kennedy
In impoverished Baghdad under Saddam's dictatorship, 16-year-old Amal hopes to regain her social status at school by volunteering to find a book as a...
Santa Claus in Baghdad
Andy Singer, a struggling New York City realtor, finds his world crashing down around him when his estranged 10-year-old daughter, Anna, shows up...
Notice to Quit
Young writer Sam has a crush on Birdie, the cute and quirky barista at his local coffee shop. When his conventional attempts to woo her crash and...
A Case of You
A feuding brother and sister entangle the fate of an old friend.
In Vichy, France at the height of World War II, nine men and a boy are rounded up under suspicious circumstances. As ominous reports of far-off camps...
Incident at Vichy
During a training exercise Frank White and his team are ambushed by former Soviet soldiers. Frank is kidnapped and a North Korean scientist attempts...
Airboss IV: The X Factor