When an alien contagion is released aboard a spaceship transforming its victims into demonic flesh-eaters, the crew must either destroy the infected...
"K" was the most infamous serial killer of his day, torturing and murdering dozens of innocent victims. Until Detective Steve Gornick, tracked the...
Two crew members wake up on an abandoned spacecraft with no idea who they are, how long they've been asleep, or what their mission is. The two soon...
A mother vows to get justice when her daughter's life is destroyed by a sex video that goes viral.
Betrayed at 17
Written and directed by PM Entertainment co-founder Joseph Merhi, this semi-autobiographical screwball comedy follows the adventures of a Hollywood...
Hollywood In Trouble
Jill Garner is a well-educated, successful, music producer. But after being brutally raped and left to feel responsible for the attack, by a Los...
Jill and Jac