A spaceship containing specimens for an intergalactic zoo crashes on Earth near a small backwoods town. The specimens escape, and soon town folk...
The Alien Factor
Our intrepid adventurers Ace Zucco and Mike Flannigan from Terror in the Tropics return for another exciting quest in Terror in the Pharaoh's Tomb....
Terror in the Pharaoh's Tomb
Terror in the Tropics is a loving tribute to Poverty Row studios of the 1930s and 1940s and stars Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff and Lon Chaney, Jr.....
Terror in the Tropics
"A King's daughter is abducted by an evil magician who is attempting to take over the world. After having his army destroyed by several terrible...
The Sorcerers of Elthradin
Aliens come to Earth to fight has-been professional wrestlers.
Blood Circus