A collection of two beloved gay short films. 'You Can't Curry Love' follows a handsome East Indian from London named Vikas who visits India on a work...
Global Warming
A family's spine-tingling odyssey in New Jersey's legendary Pine Barrens region. After their car breaks down, they meet the bizarre Mrs. Leeds, who...
Satan's Playground
Sixteen year-old Bobby is emotionally damaged by his mother's early death. He accidentally causes a nun's death, unleashing a chain of supernatural...
Two straight actors must rehearse for an impending gay love scene. How will they make out?
Performance Anxiety
On a Mediterranean group tour, shy Tom is randomly assigned an intriguing Greek roommate who provokes the age old question: Gay or European?
Foreign Relations
This visually arresting chiller concerns a group of runaway teens that escape from a drug rehab and encounter demonic forces in a rural farmhouse.
13-year-old Jimmy Morgan is possessed by an evil too powerful to be exorcised by any religion. After escaping from a mental institution, Jimmy is...
Torture Chamber
Set in 1987, a group of filmmakers venture into the California wilderness to film a shot on video slasher movie and soon find themselves...
The Locals
Due to a botched robbery attempt, a ruthless Romanian barbarian is somehow resurrected in modern day New York and begins wreaking havoc on a small...
Nikos the Impaler