This movie is an account of US Navy Commander James Stockdale's 8 year imprisonment in North Vietnam. During his confinement in such camps as the...
In Love and War
Two young boys, Todd & Bill, go snooping into an alleged haunted house as a club initiation. One of the upstairs rooms was supposedly inhabiting a...
The Red Room Riddle
High school misfits Stoney and Dave discover a long-frozen primeval man buried in their backyard. But the thawed-out Link—as the boys have...
Encino Man
Various entertainers and artists look at how Walt Disney influenced these areas through his work in a variety of fields.
Walt Disney: One Man's Dream
Lieth Von Stein and his wife, Bonnie Von Stein are attacked while sleeping in their Smallwood home in North Carolina. Bonnie Von Stein survived....
Honor Thy Mother
Teenaged boy discovers he has been afflicted with AIDS after a blood transfusion.
Just A Regular Kid: An AIDS Story
The classic comic book characters created by John L. Goldwater are brought to tv in a slightly older version. Here the characters are adults...
Archie: To Riverdale and Back Again
These two Don Quixote's set out to do good in the world through crass yet innocent means and by fluke, and simple desire, they actually do good....
Bad Dog and Superhero
‘Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade’ Celebrates 30 Years of Holiday Magic December 25 on ABC-TV.
Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade