The lives of three strangers in Santo Domingo, a girl from high society, a lonesome alcoholic cop and a drag queen cabaret performer; interwine on...
Havana, December 2014. A director is looking for a leading actress to play Stella in a Cuban adaptation of “A Streetcar Named Desire”...
Sharing Stella
After a tragic incident in which he kills his abusive stepfather, Elvis is sent to prison and separated from his childhood sweetheart, Yuli. Once...
Santa, a peasant woman loyal to the Revolution, is sent to guard Andrés, a gay writer who is under house arrest, considered “ ...
Santa & Andres
Under the threat of a hurricane pending over the city, Lubrini is looking for his lover, who disappeared in the streets of Havana.
After watching his favorite TV program, Medical Emergency, Alberto (8) asks he father, Félix (50) to play with him. Alberto, trying to ask and...
Saving Dad
The night forest hides Orestes' deepest terrors: darkness, the spirits of enslaved ancestors and his brother's homosexuality.
The Fugitives