An officer of the court meets his father's idol, a singer that stopped performing years ago, while seizing his assets and takes it upon himself to...
L'air de rien
In Paris, a young Argentine screenwriter attempts to escape his daily routine through a fictional story set in Argentina. This attracts the attention...
Stolen Tangos
Rose Bonbon, a small singer of light variety with a naughty and colorful imagination, is in the glue with Roger, a characterful brute who thinks he...
Après la pluie, le beau temps
As everyone knows, children make no difference between social classes, skin colors or religions. But then why does Corentin, Paul and Sofia's...
Battle of the Classes
Emile Dutilleul, 47 years old, lives a quiet and withdrawn life in Montmartre and works as an employee in an open-plan office with an insurance...
Le passe-muraille
Ponzi, from his arrival in Boston in 1903, to hi death in Rio in 1949. He made himself famous in inventing the first fraud of modern times on a large...
The Ponzi Scheme
Cora is a teenager and has a lot of problems (mostly because of the relationship with her parents). One day she meets Katz, a hypnotizer who makes...
Dormez, je le veux!
A restless photographer leaves her family to "find herself" and takes up deep-sea diving.
A staging of David Lescot's play "Nos occupations" by himself.
Nos occupations