Documentary about Carl Theodor Dreyer and his film Gertrud.
Carl Th. Dreyer und Gertrud
Documentary about the making and reception of Carl Th. Dreyer's final movie, "Gertrud."
Dreyer's Gertrud
A documentary about the famous Danish film director Carl Th. Dreyer, made a few years before he died. In this film Dreyer tells about the style in...
Carl Th. Dreyer
Documentary on the rise and fall of the Danish silent film industry.
Sex, Sensations & Superstars: The History of Danish Silent Cinema
I made this little film portrait of Dreyer on the 17th of September 1965, in New York. He said he was very interested in what I was trying to do in...
Carl Dreyer
French actress Maria Falconetti (1892-1946) traveled a winding road from her glory days in luminous Paris, in the 1920s, to her last days in Buenos...
Nitrate Flames
On 4 September Frederick Albert Cook (1865-1940) arrived in Copenhagen on the ship ‘Hans Egede’. He received a hero’s welcome as...
Dr. Cooks Arrival
On 4 September Frederick Albert Cook (1865-1940) arrived in Copenhagen on the ship 'Hans Egede'. He received a hero's welcome as the first man to set...
Dr. Cook at Copenhagen
Cinéastes de notre temps : Carl Th. Dreyer
The Cinema of Carl Th. Dreyer
Torben Skjødt Jensen’s elegant documentary is a collage of memories and reflections on one of cinema’s greatest directors....
Carl Th. Dreyer: My Metier
An epic portrait of the New York avant-garde art scene of the 60s.
Diaries, Notes, and Sketches
Documentary exploring the thirty-seven years of preparatory work that director Carl Th. Dreyer did for "Jesus of Nazareth" – a film that was...
A Life's Work – Carl Th. Dreyer's Jesus Film