As the EDSA Revolution unfolds, a mother, son, and daughter who live in a slum near Malacañang Palace grapple with the murder of their...
Hour of Danger
A security guard jumps to the other side of the fence and turns to crime when his meager pay is not enough to keep his wife and children by his side....
Father Greg, a diocesan priest, is reassigned to a parish up in the mountains. He embarks on a mission to help solve the crime, a mission which leads...
Iadya Mo Kami
A self-made farmer and rice mill owner who faces a rebellion by his two sons when he installs his young mistress as the new woman of the house...
Hendrix dreams of hip-hop greatness, but he’s spiraling down a rabbit-hole of crime and poverty until he meets Doc, an old poet still haunted...
It tells the story of four friends: a single mom hoping to complete her family, a martyr wife who will do anything to keep her family from falling...
Bes and the Beshies
An adaptation of Sinai Hamada's short story. A Japanese farmer living in the Cordilleras hires a Bontoc woman to work at his farm, and eventually...
Tanabata's Wife
A young woman revisiting memories of a lost love days before Martial Law is proclaimed -- an old, jaded mechanic -- a young man on his way to the...