Newly released from prison, Milton Michaels restarts his pet psychic career and discovers a mystery about his past while delving into the mind of his...
Pet Peeves
In 2009, Scott Mescudi aka Kid Cudi released his debut LP, Man on the Moon: The End of Day. A genre-bending album that broke barriers by featuring...
A Man Named Scott
Distraught after he overhears his two 30-something lovers talking about finding a new "toy" to replace him, young Ricky looks for love through a...
The Houseboy
Queer love and loss at the height of the AIDS epidemic, Anti-Venom follows Marcos, the voyeuristic drag artist by the name Evita Envy, as he copes...
Anti-Venom for a Snake
The controversial true story of a gay activist who rejects his homosexuality and becomes a Christian pastor.
I Am Michael
A crew of miniature aliens operate a spaceship that has a human form. While trying to save their planet, the aliens encounter a new problem, as their...
Meet Dave
A series of precipitous events force the ensemble cast into a fateful intersection with justice and violence. Griot and the community struggle...
Griot's Lament
Five black Brown University classmates, four gay men and a lesbian, reunite in New York City for a weekend of fun, sins, secrets, lies and drama.
The Skinny