In a dystopian future, suicide helpline staff receive a commission for every life they save. With such a highly demanded service- each call is capped...
Mia and Kyle, two misfit American teens, travel to Spain in search of Mia's birth mother. As the pair road trip through the picturesque cities of...
See You on Venus
While investigating a child abuse case, Claire discovers that the family is being tormented by a supernatural entity. In order to save the family,...
They Live in the Grey
Antonio lives with his blind grandmother while trying to prevent her from discovering the terrifying reality that surrounds them.
El perro que mordió a mi madre
A strange disease kills off some of the richest and most influential people on the planet. First it was the billionaires, then the multi-millionaires...
Rich Flu
A modern-day witch uses spells and magic to get men to fall in love with her, with deadly consequences.
The Love Witch
As mass of solar storms causes tsunamis, volcanoes, and flooding, a city-dwelling family attempts to flee to the relative safety of a group of...
End of the World