The story of Orisbela, a young and religious woman who comes from Portugal to Brazil to marry Francisco de Albuquerque, a rude sugar-cane plantation...
A curious story: it rains whenever a couple of lovers meet. Against the weather forecast, it rains all over the city. And as the love grows, the...
Rain Lovers
Drama teacher and writer of soap operas keeps his frustrating marriage because he doesn't have the existencial courage to get divorced. But he meets...
Life and work of brazilian actor, poet and songwriter Mário Lago.
Mário Lago
10-year-old Pixote endures torture, degradation, and corruption at a local youth detention center where two of its members are murdered by policemen...
Cleo e Daniel
Diário da Província
The documentary is an investigation into the life of Mario Wallace Simosen, a man who commanded conglomerates of several companies and was threatened...
Mario Wallace Simonsen, Entre a Memória e a História
This adaptation of a classic Brazilian novel focuses on the relations of charismatic characters within a tenement.
O Cortiço
A family with financial difficulties has a brilliant idea: to make their daughter Lindinha get pregnant of the famous singer Ivan Cláudio to...
Love is All
São Bernardo