A team of military operators descend into the dark, savage world of Labyrinthia to save the dying Earth from a hellish apocalypse by retrieving the...
Deadman Apocalypse
In the British countryside, the Harver family head out on an idyllic summer camping trip where they can bury past tensions and enjoy some family...
Escape from Cannibal Farm
Gunned down in the snowy wilderness and desperate for shelter, Billy Cavanagh is taken in by kooky old lady Agnes, unaware that her isolated log...
In 1960s England, Blake Cunningham and his alcoholic mother are forced to move into the mysterious Clemonte Hall, a vast isolated manor house, to...
An English Haunting
A young woman contracts a deadly virus after an unusual sexual encounter, and soon develops a taste for human blood.
Vampire Virus
In Victorian-Era England, a Parish Councillor and criminal take refuge from a storm, at a remote countryside Inn. Forced to stay the night, they soon...
A Werewolf in England
In 1982, four guys go searching for their missing friend at the creepy local vicarage - But once inside, they uncover horrors far more obscene than...
The Vicarage
A stagecoach full of passengers and an enigmatic gunslinger are held hostage by two outlaws on the run from the law but events take an unexpected...
Blood Moon
Awoken by screams in the night, young Evelyn Whipley is found drenched in blood and mysteriously bound to the bed - A Gothic Horror set in the 1940s,...
The House of Violent Desire