Two girls who study theatre & drama and their friend photographer decide to rob a bank, using all sorts of their creative force and imagination to...
Felix Langus is increasingly obsessed with the idea of communicating with supernatural forces, which warn him of the great peril of danger. Attacks...
The Case of Felix Langus or How to Seize Freedom
A thief commits daring robberies (a la Raffles) in Slovenia during the 1920s. While he romances the ladies a persistent detective tries to hunt him...
To the Limit and Beyond
Marija, Boko, Irena and other neighbours have a picnic in front of their apartment building. Suddenly a jet-fighter flies overhead. Later Peter, who...
Sky Above the Town
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The Sky Is Burning Blue
Praslovan is a feature-length documentary film about the 40-year long career of musician Zoran Predin. It revolves around the hidden stories from...
A young man, Peter, returns home in the middle of the night after a long journey. He returns to his home, to his parents. At the same time, he is...
The Wind Inside Me
A story about sailor Maks in a crisis of his life.
A Cormoran
The reconstruction of creation of an influential avantguarde movement called "Novo Mesto Spring" that arrived on Slovenian cultural scene during...
The Windhunter
The story is told through different points of view. A woman loves everything green, her husband loves his car, a magician knows the secrets of the...
By a twist of fate, Damjan is mistaken for a murderer who was prowling the streets of Ljubljana in the same neighbourhood. Because of his naive,...
Someone Else