A troubled wealthy family gathers in a quaint manor home for the holidays, never suspecting that bloodthirsty, sadistic Volker and his crew linger at...
The Gardener
A group of archaeology students awaken an ancient mummy. After being trapped in a time loop, the only way they can escape, is to defeat the mummy. As...
Rise of the Mummy
A group of activists break into a corporate facility where they know animal testing has been taking place. What they don't realize until they're...
The Rise of the Beast
A woman takes revenge on the men that murdered her sister in cold blood, hunting them down one by one in a bloody massacre.
A Woman Scorned
A fallen MMA fighter must win a netherworld no-holds-barred death tournament against man, beast and demon to save her soul.
Zoe's deteriorating marriage leaves her feeling isolated and longing for connection in the aftermath of a personal trauma. To escape loneliness, she...