A saga of a woman from her disturbed childhood to a soul-searching adulthood through an existential gender identity crisis. Niharika, the house...
Niharika: In The Mist
Khilat, a young software engineer and Joyee are determined to face any and all problems that life throws at them. Will they ever get there happily...
X Equals to Love
X, the housemaid, doesn't talk to Y, the owner.
Untitled Abhijit Majumder directorial
AK Shrivastav, a quirky patient suffering from retrograde amnesia, uncovers the reason behind his condition while trying to recollect his life...
Kadak Singh
The film narrates the story of a PhD scholar, who is pursuing his research on Uttam Kumar. After being rejected by the girl he likes romantically, he...
Oti Uttam
Six characters are somehow tied to Sreenath's story. Malabika, a reader in the last phase of her life, has kept these characters in her memory. The...
Tahader Kotha
A father leaves a will at an old-age home.
Paran Jaha Chay
What is Bangla kalpavigyan? Is there such a thing as Bangla Science Fiction? Is there such a thing as Indian SF? This is our journey with the genre,...
Kalpavigyan: A Speculative Journey