A comedic musical short inspired by an obscure Beatles novelty tune. While visiting a mysteriously surrealistic dating agency, a lonely woman (Betty...
You Know My Name
"She's So Cold" is a psychological musical noir drama which takes place at a government office set in a dystopian future. The request of a mysterious...
She's So Cold
A brief, tense phone conversation between politically connected powerhouse Tom Buchanan and a desperate lower-class thug named Judd over Buchanan's...
Beneath the Veneer of a Murder
If born in an age when everyone is allowed to purchase an iDeal companion, will we be happier?
iDeal Wife
Three years after the death of Frank's wife a mysterious woman appears. As their attraction grows Frank struggles with reality and his loss. He tries...
An FBI-trained neuropsychologist teams up with a thief to find a reality-altering device while her insane ex-boss unleashes bizarre traps to stop her.
Brute Sanity
Local Pennsylvania polka legend Jan Lewan develops a plan to get rich that shocks his fans and lands him in jail.
The Polka King
Michelle wanted to start a new life away from the city. She didn't realize it would be someone else's.
Long Lost Daughter
After putting their bodies on the line for countless years, a family of professional wrestlers seek a brand new way to satisfy an impeccable...
Parts Unknown
2 Die For is a horror anthology of short horror films from cult underground indie horror filmmakers from across the globe. This fast paced horror...
2 Die For
Horror exploitation anthology from twisted minds of filmmakers from across the globe.
Grindsploitation 2: The Lost Reels
Ken Dumanski is as well known for his inciteful and impactful analysis of the arts as an award winning entertainment journalist, as he is for his...
A rogue CG Commander plots to eliminate a rum runner and its crew. When his machine gun jammed, the Captain survived. Newly released military...
The Bootlegger