When Elaine, an adventurous young woman from Germany, arrives in New York City, she sets out to be a famous writer. After a brief stint at a mundane...
Forever, Lulu
An intimately personal documentary by Amos Kollek that chronicles himself and his family from 2004 to the present.
Chronicling A Crisis
A young New York woman, devastated to find out that her husband has been cheating on her, decides to hop a plane to Paris to get away. However, she...
Goodbye, New York
Upon arriving Israel on her first foreign assignment, American photojournalist Faye Milano is greeted by David, an Israeli officer and writer who's...
Double Edge
This is the story of an Israeli man, Jack, whose wife has been killed in a suicide bombing, leaving him in charge of two young daughters. Jack, on...
The Sumo Wrestler
After fighting the Arab armies, Assaf, an Israeli soldier, falls in love with an American living in the Arab district of Jerusalem. One day, he...
Worlds Apart
Jack, a writer, gets personally involved with his subjects after he is commissioned to pen a book on prostitution.
Whore 2